08 Feb Thoughts on inner peace
Man should closely observe every moment of life. Let us say for example, a man undertakes a long journey. He becomes tired. What does he need? He needs water and food immediately to quench his thirst and appetite. He drinks water and has a meal. He gets relief. If he is tired, he needs rest to get peace of mind. From where does the peace of mind comes? It comes from his thinking. From where does this peace of mind begin? It begins at the start of his deeds. If man closely observes each and every action, he will see pleasure and pain alternating through his actions. The peace of mind is with you, not elsewhere. The real life is when you think of that Supreme Force at every moment. Only then you will know the meaning of life and living. Only then you will be at peace. That quietness is sound.
Do not search God everywhere. God is near you. God is closer to you. God is inside you. When you still the mind, you can see the Eternal Truth. When you still the mind, you will be able to cut the knots that bind you. Do not go searching for anything. If you search, prepare yourself as your entire life gets pervaded by that very object. Your ego takes over you in that search of the object of your desire and you get caught in the web. Having caught enmeshed in that web, you say you are in grief. You are in difficulty. You say you have lost the peace of mind. In situations, Man should not murmur, “O God, how much I have to suffer?” because Man, in order to fulfil his ambition, has to undergo that suffering. To fulfil your objective, when difficulty comes you should happily accept that. If only Man did not feel that God has given him great suffering but instead difficulties in order to achieve his goal and thank God for what he got and project his thinking towards God, all will be good.
– Sri Jayanthi Kumarawami