31 Mar Promoting hygienic knowledge in slum areas
At dusk, Sri Jayanthi Kumaraswami reached out to the homeless and less privileged families in the depressed areas of the city. Swamiji sat with a large crowd of women from Chennai city’s slums and had conversations with these women about the righteous way of living happily, how to be contented with what they are earning and how to take the next progressive step to success.
“There is no need for me to chant mantras, but I will teach you one meditation technique,” Swamiji said to the group of women belonging to different religious faiths. With arms stretched open, Swamiji demonstrated a simple posture and asked the women to chant the following, “I can and I will. All is possible. All is well.” As the brilliance of the moon lit the sky, the crowd of women loudly repeated this formula given by Swamiji.
Promoting hygienic knowledge, healthy lifestyles
Before the end of the conversation, Swamiji lectured the women about personal hygiene and cleanliness. As President of Her charitable Trust Sri Jai Sathya Mission, Her Holiness distributed pure coconut oil for skin and hair, and shampoo to prevent lice and other unwanted scalp conditions. Swamiji explained that coconut oil is a wonder oil as it is naturally antibacterial, antifungal and moisturizing. “You do not have to go to a beauty parlor. Coconut oil is enough to make your skin shine and healthier,”Swamiji.
Her Holiness also distributed packets of toothpaste with an aim to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Swamiji reiterated the importance of teaching their children about keeping their bodies healthy and clean. She says, “Our body a temple, God is inside,” therefore we must encourage hygienic practices by teaching and assisting others.